Secure Downloads

Installer Version Date Download
cPanel & WHM Installer v00169 Fri Oct 4 14:44:37 2024 latest
cPanel & WHM Installer (dnsonly) v00169 Fri Oct 4 14:44:38 2024 latest-dnsonly
cPanel & WHM Installer (wp2) v00169 Fri Oct 4 14:44:39 2024 latest-wp2

For instructions, see the cPanel & WHM Installation Guide.

Key Download
Development cPanelDevelopmentKey.asc
Public Release cPanelPublicKey.asc
Public Package Release cPanelPublicPkgKey.asc
Master cPanelMasterKey.asc

For more information on cPanel's GPG keys, see the documentation on cPanel & WHM Download Security.